Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Flatland - 2D Inspiration

After attending the first lecture and chewing on the idea of an expressive story told by simple shapes, I recalled a fabulous movie I stumbled upon a few months ago. Flatland the Film is based on a short novel written by Edwin A. Abbot in 1884. (read the novel)

"Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living geometric figures - squares, triangles, circles, etc. A Square, Attorney At Law, finds himself in the middle of two upheavals: the rise of martial law by the circular leadership of Flatland, and the arrival of A Sphere, CEO Of Messiah, Incorporated, a creature from a hitherto-unknown third dimensional world."

There is apparently a new, more Hollywood-ized version with big-name voice actors like Micheal York and Martin Sheen, but I have the feeling it would pale in comparison to the film directed by Ladd Ehlinger Jr.

Here's a brief clip for your viewing pleasure:


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